Santa School, because he can’t be everywhere.


Santa can’t be everywhere all of the time…

– or can he? For this reason, Santa himself appointed his number 1 elf to teach, tutor, and mentor his best Regional Representatives so that the spirit of giving, happiness, and love could be spread limitlessly throughout the world to kids of all ages. Santa School exists to teach all things Santa to the Santa students for the sole purpose of delivering joy.

Elf Jen, a real life mom, knows what it takes to be a magical and real Santa. In this book, Santa’s head elf shares never before revealed, santa industry, insider information. This book serves as a Santa detection manual for those wanting to know who and where the real Santa is! Elf Jennifer, AKA Dean of Santa School, was asked by Santa to operate this school in his behalf. His best Regional Representatives are trained and immersed in the ways of Santa so that they can fulfill the common goal of spreading Christmas joy to all.

This is a true story.